Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Clutter Me Not

Lately I have been feeling a little lost in the clutter. I HATE clutter....almost as much as I hate the constant dust in my house. I don't keep anything....besides my baby stuff, so how do I have so much clutter?! Well....the problem is I get sick of looking at stuff so I just shuffle it around, stuff it in corners, etc. Well, no more! I feel so stressed because I feel so overwhelmed with stuff that needs to be done (like the dusting that never ends). I have decided that I'm going to follow Flylady's advice on a clean house. I've tried before but I've gotten lazy. Well, I'm going to give it another shot. I've shined my sink for a week now so I feel like I can tackle this:)

There's also this blog that I follow that I DROOL over. I'm going to start trying to do a little things here and there to get more organized. I hate spending money on storage solutions but I think it would be worth it to not go crazy all the time.

So, this is my challenge to you....dust and declutter your life. It could be your house or it could be your personal life. I just know that now that I'm more back to normal in the cleaning, cooking, and running Victoria all over the world I tend to get overwhelmed because I let things go, get behind, and can't find things like ballet shoes in the clutter. It causes me to get stressed and I don't want to be stressed. When I get stressed I'm more easily aggrivated and tend to just give up because I feel like nothing I do helps (which in turn creates more mess and stress). Part of a cleaner me is a cleaner house:)

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