Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A cleaner me

I'm late for the whole resolution thing...I didn't plan on making any BUT.....I'm wanting to live cleaner. I want cleaner food....I'm over being addicted to sweet and you really do become addicted to sugars. We are heading into spring and I am hoping this year I can talk the hubs into a garden. I want fresh from the garden veggies, less meat (actually thinking about cutting it out...wonder how long it will take the hubs to realize I've done that), less dairy, more fruit, less sweets. This is my goal. I wannt to work out more and harder but I'm currently doing a good job getting started with that. I want greener cleaning products and a more organized home. This is the new direction of the blog. I'm going to share what I learn and what I'm doing. I'm going to show some before and after during fitness pictures (EEEK!!!). I will still share the crazy antics of my little girl(s) and the journey of parenthood, school, future career, and in like 2-3 years.....the journey of TTC again....for the last time.

Anyway....just wanted to give you a heads up:) I'll start the fitness posts and they will be on Saturdays. They will have pics, weight, and what I'm doing. I want a closer relationship with God so I'm going to talk about that on Sundays. I am going to do a post (hopefully) on my garden plans very soon and will post updates on how that is going. The girls will make a monthly appearance on the blog as well. Yay for this new direction!


  1. Excited to continue reading your blog! Make sure to continue the "Mommy" posts(when you can of course) because its nice to know there are other Mamas out there that I can relate to :) but also super exited for the new stuff :D Thanks for doing this blog, I really look forward to checking in on it!
    <3 Daniella

  2. I definitely will keep up the Mommy posts:) Thanks for reading and writing! I love hearing from readers but rarely do so it's great knowing I'm not writing to myself and there are people out there going through the same things:)
