Sunday, January 22, 2012

Baby Weight Update and why I Blog I'm doing this update because I said I would, but I'm not lovin' it. There for a little while when I first started walking I was losing a pound a day. It was wonderful!! Then...not sure what went back up. I seem to be stuck between 157-159 which is 13-15 lbs. left. I will say that I am now running and can run 3 miles...I'm going for 4 tomorrow. I'm pretty stoked about that! Yesterday was the first time I was able to run through my side cramps which after the 3rd I felt like I could run forever...minus the jelly legs. LOL! I love running again though and so that's a step in the right direction. Me and the scale are no longer friends. Seriously though I am happy that my clothes do fit a bit different and I can run again. Being in shape is the best motivator and the rest will come.

On a different note, I was trying to figure out why I blog. This is basically my journal...I like to look back on it. Other than that though there are a couple of readers and it's usually a woman struggling to get pregnant and I love that they can come here and not feel alone. I also just want to share the realness of life. There is no manual on how to be a good mother, wife, student, sister, daughter, etc. I just want to share my journey so maybe someone out there going through anything like I am can laugh, cry, be mad.....whatever with me. I know there are people that can relate to what I go through....because it's life. I like sharing my loves (God,my babies, cloth diapering)and my hates (baby weight LOL!).

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