Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It's not broccoli, it's peas

This is one of the many, and boy do I mean MANY, absurd arguements I have found myself in lately. The hubs is out of town for a couple of days so I'm going it alone. I have a new found respect for single moms. I was trying to get the kid I watch out the door, get supper ready, get the babies fed, and get Victoria to dance and I was seriously losing the battle. Emily decided she just wanted to live on the boob. I'm just going to start attaching that child to me every day with the Moby.....I could use the extra snuggles too. Anywho...I made pasta with cheese and veggies. V LOVES pasta....not so much the veggies anymore. She REFUSED to eat. Are you seriuos kiddo?!? This is our convo:

V: I don't like it.
Me: Try it. you love pasta.
V: It has broccoli.
Me: No it doesn't. Those are peas. (It did have broccoli but not her bowl)
V: No, that's broccoli. It's gross. (Where did she even learn that!)
Me: Broccoli looks like bushes. Those look like balls. That means it's peas, not broccoli.
V: Yes it does have broccoli.
V: I want spaghetti.
Me: We're leaving for dance.....go get your stuff.

Major fail. I just give up most of the time these days. I mean let me just go ahead and tell you that you cannot reason with a 2 year old. She's always right.....I didn't think that happenned until like 9, but I was very much mistaken. She'll be 3 in 3 wks. and these pointless arguements are just getting started.....Once again, I forsee this parenting thing as just getting harder every year.....I'm going to go with more rewarding every year as when she talks about how much she loves Jesus and thanks God for God when she says her prayers:)

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