Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Snow and Doctor Day

Last night it started snowing!!! Not our "first snow" really this winter but the first that stuck. I was kind of sad last night when it was sticking and my little Victoria was asleep. It stuck around though and this morning I was awakened to a little girl running in my room yelling "There's snow all over the place!!!!" She was even surprised that there was snow in the back yard as well as the front. Snow makes me feel all giddy inside. I LOVE the stuff!!! I want it to blizzard every time it snows. I just don't want to drive in it. I want to eat it in the form of snowcream. Well....today of course, the girls had doctor appointments. That is my luck....scratch that...I used to have luck but the hubs has none and it wears off on me sometimes which is really not fair. Anywho....he and I talked last night about me not taking them, but since it was a dry snow I figured I would put the SUV in auto 4-wheel (even though that was completely not necessary) and go for it. Imagine my surprise when I backed out this morning and realized our road was a little slick and icy. Hubs was in trouble for not telling me. He just laughed and said if had told me I wouldn't have taken them and we both feel like Victoria really needed to go since she has developed a tree nut allergy.

Well, Miss V wouldn't stop telling me she wanted to play in it. It was 8 and the appointment was at 9:15 so that was not an option. We finally got loaded up and found our way to the doctors. Miss V has grown 4" this year! She is now 39.75" and 32.5 lbs. They took 4....that's right 4 vials of blood to check for the tree nut allergy. Victoria said "Ow" when they stuck her but that was it. She enjoyed watching the blood come out (ewwww). Miss Emily has grown almost 2 full inches since birth!!! That is just CRAZINESS!!!!! She is now 21.75" (.25" longer than V at the same age even though E was an inch smaller at birth) and weighs in at 8 lbs. 12 oz. (almost a pound gained from birth.....my kids don't gain a lot of weight the first year). So that was that. I'm not looking forward to the next appointment....then I get to start my vaccine battle. I'm not really "against" them per se, but I like to space them and I'm not a fan of all of them.

Anway.....I had told V that she would get a special treat so we went to Starbucks right next door (not at all for me) to get her a cake pop. Because I am the worst mother on the face of the planet I got my poor kiddo with nut allergies a Rocky Road one (they were out of birthday cake). She takes it out of the bag and says "It has nuts on it!" Jeez...are you serious?!?! I really have to adjust my whole way of thinking. I was just thinking oh chocolate...she'll like that. Nope....pecans all over the outside and inside. I apologized, told her what a fantastic little girl she was for telling me it had nuts, and went one exit down to another S*bucks to get her the birthday cake pop which she loved.

When we got home she finally got to play in the snow! She paused on the way out to say she couldn't play in the snow because she didn't have her mittens. She's very particular. Of course I planned on putting them on her but it amuses me she's so on top of things.

She was pretty happy about it and wanted to drive her new 4-wheeler in the snow (because that's what we do round these parts! LOL!), but alas....the Powerwheels 4-wheeler couldn't handle the snow so I let her drive it in the road...which never happens. Today has been a great day and it's only lunch time! I love a good snow day:)

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