Monday, January 30, 2012

Getting in Shape - The Beginning

OH MY WORD!!!! So, my clothes fit a little better and I'm not feeling so gross about my body. Well......that all went down the drain super quick after I looked at these pictures. Usually I don't have the best self-image but I don't really have a reason to not. Now I do. So the goals are:

1. Work on my arms so they are better defined.
2. Get my butt back up to where it is supposed to be and much smaller
3. Get the thighs to stop touching.
4. Get my abs back.
5. Lose 5 lbs. per month until I am at least back to 144 is really hard for me to share these pictures, but I am hoping that it will help keep me motivated. They are scary...let me just go ahead and warn you of that. This is me sporting a sports bra and a bikini bottom. I will post pictures again next month. I think it would be a bit overkill to do it weekly. I don't know that weight is the big thing I am going for....mainly I want everything to be tighter and muscle weighs more than fat. I weighed 158 when I got pregnant with Victoria, was 161 4 wks. post-partum with her, and eventually ended up being around 140...135 at my lowest. I was 144 when I got pregnant this time though so I would like to get back to that. I will try to defend myself a little....the hubs took these pictures after I ran and I tend to be more marshmallowy then.

This is kind of a before....this is 7 weeks preggo and so you can see it was a lot different then!

I think I look like I did around 13-16 wks. pregnant right now. GREAT!! I ran 4 miles yesterday and walked 1.25. I can plank for 1 min. I can do 3 sets of 15 lunges with 10 lbs. weights....same with squats. I can do a whopping 10 push-ups and 35 crunches and 15 bicycle crunches. I am still not eating the best but I'm doing better. Not so many sweets, I am getting in at least 1 serving of veggies and 1 serving of fruits a day. I am training to run a half marathon on April 1st and I follow Hal Higgdon's training schedule. I followed it for the marathon training I did and it worked well so I'm back to it. I want to run the Knoxville Half. My goal is to run it in 2 hrs. 20 min. I generally shoot for 10 min. miles but seeing as I had a c/s and it left just enough time after my 6 week healing time to train...I will cut myself a little slack. To tell the truth I don't care if it takes 4 hours as long as I get things toned up A LOT!

ETA: I planning on doing this workout this month. I was going to try to do this one as well but it was totally not happening...even the easy was not happening.....I did have a c/s though so maybe you'll have better luck. I want to do other ab workouts and be able to get back to this next month. I plan on drinking a glass of lemon water twice a day every day, at least 8 glasses of regular ice water, and a cup of decaf green tea every day. Water and green tea are miracle workers....just drink it:)

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