Friday, April 29, 2011

Names.....why does it have to be so hard?

The hubs and I cannot agree on names for the life of us. It's really horrible. What's even more horrible is me changing my mind. The thing is I settle for names and when he likes them (and I mean really, really likes them) I decide I don't really like it after all. I try to convince myself, but I just can't do it.

We successfully decided on 2 names, only 2, we both equally like. Those are Hunter Lee for a boy and Victoria Rose for a girl. Kevin doesn't even really like the name Victoria, but he likes the combination of Victoria Rose a lot. Well, we already have a our Victoria what the heck are we going to do if we have another girl?

I successfully went through and ENTIRE baby book of names and wrote down all the names I liked. Kevin then went through that list and marked out what he didn't and we had a list of about 12 names.....I lost the danged list!!!! Ugh....I'm going to have to do that all. over. again. :*( I lost it after we had decided on Nadia Ragen.......then I decided I didn't like it too much. I don't know if that's because everyone, and I mean everyone, hates that name or not, but I just don't like it anymore. I tried to revive my like for the name because Nadia means hope and we really hoped for this baby, but I just don't like it anymore. Don't tell the hubs. I think he's onto me though since I keep throwing names at him every time he turns around. Here's what I like:

Temperance (because I'm obsessed with Bones)

The hubs is throwing names right back. He likes:

Tara or Tera (and let me just tell you with it spelled Tera....makes me think of terrain....might as well name the
                     kid Dirt)

Okay...I can't remember anymore because I don't like them. I guess I should just drop the subject until we figure out what this kiddo is. If it's a boy I will have wasted a ton of energy trying to come up with a name when we already know it'll be Hunter (which I'm not so keen on anymore either, but I still like it enough). Why does it have to be so hard to name kiddos? I really like the idea of naming another girl with a V name, but the hubs really doesn't like Violet. He really pretty much hates all the names I like....can't I just name the kiddo whatever I want? I mean I carry it and deal with everything that goes along with it (like trying to not puke right now) and I birth it (which in my daughter's case was my blood pressure dropping like crazy and having an emergency c-section after 17+ hrs. of labor without pain meds.). I guess that's not very fair to the hubs though.


  1. SO, I heard the name Gwendelyn today and thought of you. You might hate it, I just wanted to throw it out there. ;) LOL I love Caroline...wish you could get Kevin to go with that one (or Charlotte.) Not that it matters at all what my opinion is! I firmly believe that parents should pick a name that THEY love and let everyone else just get over it! And no matter what you pick, I will never tell you I hate it, promise! ;)

  2. I LOVE that name!!! I'll have to for sure run that by Kevin. I think the top runner we can agree on right now is Emily.
