Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Scary, Scary!

I can pretty much promise you that one of the scariest things that a pregnant woman can go through is bleeding bright red blood. That is the horrible scare that I got yesterday. I will forever blame it on pushing myself too hard while running and also not getting enough fluids. I went for a run, I went to Target, I came home and set down to eat some lasagna, and that is when IT happened. I felt a warm, kind of gush and without thinking checked it out. To my horror, what I saw was bright red blood. In my mind a lot of bright red blood. Not a little brown spotting that you hear can happen and is normal. I had the bright red, fresh blood that you do have to worry about. It  was constant too; anytime I checked there was some. I freaked out! I just started crying. I was positive I had lost the baby. It was bed time for Victoria and she was screaming because she wanted Mommy to put her to bed and all she was getting was Daddy. I called my best friend and thank goodness she was more calm than me. Thank God I have a friend that knows when I need her even when I don't know what I need. She came right over, reassured me, took Victoria home with her for a sleep over, prayed for me, and overall gave me more support than I could have ever asked for.

Hubs and I went to the ER. We didn't even know if it mattered what ER, but followed my Mom's advice and went where we plan to deliver. I tried to calm down on the way there but I kept feeling warm small gushes of blood. I knew I had lost the baby. They got us back pretty quick and tried to help raise my spirits. I felt stupid for going. I know there is nothing they can do for a miscarriage. They took some blood and a urine sample, had my cervix checked, and then I had an ultrasound. This was all a pretty slow process. The blood levels were good (20,588), my cervix was still closed......I held onto some hope. The bleeding had also slowed. The ultrasound was horrible. The tech told me before she started that she wouldn't be allowed to tell me anything.  She had to pass on the results and my doctor would come talk to me about them. I just prayed over and over the same prayer while I was waiting. Please dear God, let there be a heart beat. What seemed like forever passed and the doctor came in. He told me there was a little 6 week old thing in there with a flicker!!!!!! Oh, the relief.

I know that I have to be careful now. I told the hubs while waiting that if there was a heartbeat I was not going to push myself so hard at working out and I wasn't going to worry about weight gain so much. I really do not care how much I gain now as long as I get this baby safely into the world. I was told to take it easy for a few days, follow up with my ob, and was given my rhogam shot. Words cannot express how happy I am right now; cautiously happy. By the time I had got back home, 6 hrs. later, I had stopped bleeding. I have my ultrasound at my docs office in 2 days and I am just hoping that we will still have good news then. I will call today and let them know what happened, but I am pretty positive there is no point in me going in before Friday. Hopefully, things will be fine and progress normally the rest of the pregnancy.

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