Tuesday, April 19, 2011

8 wks. 2 days

Well, I could still take a picture, but I haven't and I think I am just going to wait until 9 wks. The idea of having 30+ pictures seems a little much. Maybe I'll start doing pics every other week. I was really bad at staying on top of taking pictures when I was pregnant with Victoria as well, but I wanted to share the pictures from that adventure since I didn't have a weekly picture. Oh, and I fought and fought with that stupid picture...sorry it's so little.

So, I'm pretty bad at posing for pictures as well. LOL! Those pictures start at 5 wks. and go all the way to 39 wks. I "popped" at 25 wks. and I think that picture is pretty apparent. I know the top row is 5, 10, 13 and the bottom is 25, 30, 39.....not sure about the middle row. I mean I have it written down I just don't feel like looking it up right now. I think its 16, 17, 20. I think right now I look pretty comparable to the 10 or 13 picture of my last pregnancy. I will post a side by side at 10 wks.

I have an u/s this week!!! So excited AND so nervous about that. I thought the bleeding had stopped, but I still spot. Some days it mostly nothing and then some days it's a lot more than nothing. It's stressful. All I can do is let go and let God so that's what I'm doing. Weight is still at 147 so I'm excited about that:) No more hot flashes, but a lot more nausea and......gas. Great. Oh, and my boobs are freaking killing me. If the wind blows in my direction they hurt! LOL! Anyway......this was kind of a random sort of post.

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