Sunday, January 23, 2011

CD 1

Hello CD1! Oddly enough you are one of  my most hopeful days during the cycle. This day is full of hope. I guess it should be a depressing day since it also signals the last cycle was not successful, but I already knew that.  Once I know a cycle has not been a success I just look forward to getting to try again. I always start with high hopes, and as weird as it may sound, look up all my important dates for when I get pregnant this cycle. Yes, I do this weird, obsessive thing every single time. I am very optimistic during my cycle until that day comes that I should get a positive but instead I get a negative. are my dates! LOL! Writing them here will save me from having to research them regularly....I know....I sound crazy; I'm just very type A personality. I am a planner, what can I say.

Sun., Jan. 23: CD 1
Thurs., Jan. 27: CD 5, First day of Clomid
Mon., Jan. 31: CD 9, Last day of Clomid, YAY!!!!!!
Mon., Feb. 14: CD 23, Blood Test
Sun., March 6: 6wks - heart starts beating and is visible through u/s
Thurs., March 17: My birthday! 7 wks., 4 days
Sun., April 24: End of 1st trimester!!!
Thurs. April 28: My friend's baby boy is due and beginning of all V's little boy friends turning  2! 13 wks. 3 days
Sun., May 8: 15 wks, baby can see light
Sun., June 5: 19 wks, baby can hear and sounds and sex can be determined!!!
Sat., Jun 18: Wedding to go to, 20 wks, 6 days
Fri., July 15: Kevin's last birthday in his 20's and beach time! 24 wks, 5 days.
Sun., July 31: Baby can breathe and End of 2nd trimester and end of 2nd semester back at school! 27 wks
Sat., Aug. 6: Very special 1st b-day! 27 wks., 6 days
Sun., Oct. 9: Baby is full term! 37 wks.
Fri., Oct. 28: 4 yr. anniversary:-) 39 wks., 5 days
Sun., Oct. 30: 40 wks! Baby get out of my belly! LOL!

So, yes I know this seems crazy, but it makes me excited and I like to be excited and think positive. I like to know where I would be in a pregnancy for everything coming up in my life. I like to plan to achieve my goal. I've always wanted an Oct. baby....and I am not keen on a winter baby so it is going to happen this cycle. This is not stress talking.....this majorly awesome positive vibes talking:-) Oh..and new baby would be 15 wks. when little V turns 3.


  1. Love the positive talk girlfriend!! Praying for you all the way!! xoxoxxxxoxxo

  2. Excited for it to finally happen for you! Hoping the clomid is 'nicer' to you this time :)

  3. Thanks for all the love besties! I hope the clomid is nicer too....especially since I will be busier. This month is the month!!! LOL!
