Friday, May 6, 2011


So today is a 2 post day, but without an u/s picture:( I am definitely sad about this as I didn't really see the baby jumping around either. The doc said he saw the arms and legs and that it was moving around, but he was mainly looking at the bleed so he wasn't all that concerned about that baby. I know that sounds odd, but he checked for the heartbeat (160) and then moved on. He said it looks mostly healed and that I don't have to come back in for 5 weeks!!!!! I am so excited!!! I know most preggo ladies would love to have appts. (especially with u/s) all the time, but when you watch children for a living it is a pain in the rear going to the docs that much. So, my next appt. is on June 10 and it will not involve an u/s. It will be a regular appt. It feels so great being a normal pregnant lady again:)

Now, I'm going to do what I swore I would not and complain. V was such an easy pregnancy. I was nauseous, but as long as I ate snacks regularly I didn't get sick. I didn't have a problem with weight gain. I went to the gym regularly after work and worked out. When I was tired I went to sleep. When they tell you your second pregnancy is different....they aren't kidding. I am nauseous all day every day and eating just makes it worse. Dry heaving over my kitchen sink is becoming regular. Since I couldn't really work out and I am on a a hormone med. I have gained weight easier and faster. I have acne worse than any teenager I know. It's really disgusting. This is TMI, but it is like all over my back and it totally grosses me out. I mean it's not huge pus filled bumps, but just tiny little bumps which is actually more disgusting to me because clusters gross me out. My head hurts all time and I am always dizzy. It was easy to deal with all of this at first, but now after several weeks it's getting harder and worse and no signs of easing up. I am starting to whine and complain. I can't just go to sleep when I want since I already have one kiddo and I'm so exhausted after watching kiddos all day I don't want to work out. I am hoping that in the next 2-3 weeks things really start looking up. So there's my complaining. I hate that I do it, but it really is just getting difficult, but at least the little one is still in there and developing well:)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're having a rough time! I hope things get better in the next few weeks! Makes me kinda nervous to get prego again. I don't wanna be sick :-/
