Sunday, May 22, 2011

13 Weeks:)

Today I am 13 weeks and I am definitely getting bigger. I don't feel as big as I look so I really don't like seeing pictures of myself right now. I'm at that stage where you just look chunky and not really pregnant. I feel like a new woman since I no longer have to take that horrible hormone. It's right at that time I should be feeling better anyway so I'm not sure it's all the meds fault, but I'm not so dizzy, I lost 2 lbs., my acne is starting to go away, and I just feel better all around. I am definitely getting my energy back that is for sure! I was even able to make supper the other night:) I still can't make a lot of things though because raw meat makes me want to puke. Cravings right now are Taco Bell, strawberries, nuts, and chocolate lava cake. I'm not so sure about a lot of aversions other than I just hate to see or be near raw meat. I remembered the big craving I had with Victoria the other day and it was sunflower seeds. I mean I ate those things like they were going out of style. I was really starting to worry about my sodium intake. I am at 13 wks and 149.5 lbs.

And here's the comparison....

I think I'm at a little different angle, but I think I'm definitely bigger this go around. Oh....and yes I'm wearing a just a bra for a top in this pic, but it covers just as much as a bikini top IMO (if it offends you I'm sorry).

P.S. I LOVE getting these emails every Sunday:)

Baby's now the size of a peach!
Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords...savor this, their nonfunctional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with his head now only one third the size of his body. And intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy -- much more convenient.

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