Saturday, February 25, 2012

Week 4 = It's All Good:)

So I always weigh myself in the morning. With that being said, this morning I woke up and stood on the scale and got to FINALLY see 153!!! I was, am so excited! I finally have less than 10 lbs. to go!!! I am going to run 7 miles later today and that will make 4 times running this week and 3 times I have done squats, lunges, push-ups, and crunches with weights. I have been tanning a lot too so I feel a little less pasty and that helps too. Not so much in the health department but hey.....not tanning everyday all the time is one thing and tanning for a month to get some color are very different. I have been eating about a billion times better and my fave lunch right now is turkey on wheat with alpha sprouts, spinach, mustard, and cheese. My poor hubs hasn't really joined in so much with the fave lunch and says he tastes dirt when he tries my sandwiches. LOL! My 3 year old on the other hand loves them as well! We have been eating a lot more fish and chicken for supper instead of pizza. Next week's goal is 151.....yes I have a 2 lb. a week goal right now but that will change once I hit my pre-preggo weight....until then I feel I still have a lot of extra that I'm just hanging onto and as long as I eat healthy and work out it should go pretty quick.

Anywho, I haven't done pics. I will update with those tomorrow.

If you are working towards a weight loss goal I really hope that seeing some of my progress motivates you to push hard for your own progress. Change your diet and MAKE time to walk or run. I pretty much ONLY run after 9 p.m. and sometimes in a bit of a drizzle. I am tired, I generally don't feel like it, but I just do it. If I really, really don't feel like it I'll run one quick lap around my subdivision (1.34 miles) and call it good.

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