Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 2 = A bit better:)

First, I can't believe that I never put the starting weight with the horrid pics! Seriously what is wrong with me?! Anyway....I don't remember:/ Most likely 158.5. That's what it kept staying at and not budging. Sometimes if I was lucky I got a 157.5. These week I still did not get the running in I wanted. I'm not going to lie. Between watching kiddos all day, running Victoria around to her activities, cleaning, cooking, and school work......I'm POOPED most nights. Oh...and I don't generally get to run before 9 so that makes it harder. I am majorly awake until like 2 after a run at 9. This week went a little like this:

Sunday: Nadda (I think it was raining?)
Monday: Ran 1.34 miles (a.k.a. 1 lap around my subdivision) as hard as I could
Tuesday: Zumba
Wednesday: Nadda
Thursday: Sadly more nadda
Friday: Ran 4 laps around my subdivision for a total of 5.36 miles and did the butt exercises.
Saturday: It was crazy cold!!

I have GOT to start running 3-4 times a week to get those miles up and faster and to lose weight and be in better shape. I also need to do that killer butt workout at least 4 days a week if I want my butt to go back up to its rightful spot. I also have been meaning to take my measurements but of course I have been forgetting that too.

I did go to the grocery store and spent $30 more than budget to have healthy meals and snacks. It has been working in my favor...I am down to 155:) I am hoping for 153 next week. It would be AWESOME to be in the single digits left to lose.

Also....I think I bit off way too much wanting to add in the book review. I LOVE that book so I am very slowly reading it but coupled with everything else going on right now it is just too much to try to blog about that as well. I just think that is way to important of a topic to half heartedly blog about so I will just stick to trying to blog about the weight every weekend. I know ya'll probably don't care much about the weight but it makes me feel accountable:)Plus, I'm hoping that with my pics within the next 2 weeks (maybe not next week because it's my little V's birthday weekend) that there will be a pretty noticeable difference that will get other people pounding the pavement! I really do love to run and I think once you get past the feeling like you're going to die that anyone can develop a love for running. You get a huge endorphine release from it:) It keeps me off my anti-depressant meds (not saying there is anything wrong with those because they have saved my sanity and probably my life at times).

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