Monday, October 10, 2011

Sweet Sayings

Miss Victoria has been saying the sweetest things lately and it just melts my heart. Sometimes having a 2-year-old is more than a little stressful. I'm not a big fan of her saying "huh" all the time and I have no clue where she got this. I'm also not a fan of her showing me her food in her mouth....I think that one came from parents day out....Anyway, every time she has about pushed my patience to the limit she does the super sweet things to make up for it.

I kiss her on her face about a billion times and tell her "I'm going to eat you up!" Well, she loves and and smiles and she asks for it. The other day while her Daddy was supposed to be getting ready for basketball I heard little girl just a giggling away and went to see what was making her so happy. She was running all over my bedroom saying "Eat my up Daddy, Eat my up!!" They were having a grad ol' time! It was super cute:-) I just love the way she says "Eat my up!" I don't think I'm ever going to be able to correct her.

The other cute sayings is "You got me!" when you give her a big hug....or sometimes it's just after she jumps on you so you can hold her. She's also been talking about her little sister Emily all the time! I LOVE that she is old enough to know what is going on. She can tell you she is having a little sister, what her name is, and where she's at. She'll also tell you that she is going to hold, and feed her, and play with her, and wash her, etc. (all while she is making the motions to each action).

My little girl definitely pushes my buttons sometimes, but she always turns right around and makes my heart melt over and over again.

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