Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Apparently I'm the sentimental sap type.....

When we first moved into our house I loved it of course because it was our first home, but I dreamed of the day we could move to a more manicured subdivision and a little bit larger home. When we moved I was about 16 weeks pregnant with Victoria and so then I became a little attached to my home; this is the house my baby was born into. She has a beautiful mural painted with love by her aunt. Victoria even tells you that Kathy put it there. (BTW....this picture from her nursery when it was still a nursery just about breaks my heart.....my baby girl is growing up and has a full-size bed in there now).

The of course there is this...

I hadn't "planned" on that per say but I love how in old houses and it movies you see this and just couldn't resist anymore. Those 3 marks are my baby at birth, 1, and 2.......soon there will be 2 new marks when little Emily is born and when Victoria turns 3. How can I possible leave this?!

Then there are my gardens. They are still quite the work in process BUT my great-grandmother passed away last year and her plants that she loved so much came to live in my gardens. Plants from my Papaw's garden (like the beautiful crepe myrtle he was getting rid of) and from my Mom's garden live in there. I'm not huge into plants....but I care about these.

Then we replaced the cheapo carpet with wood floors in most of the house. My husband laid it at an angle and I'm in-love with it! I mean seriously I don't know how I could move into a house without it laid like that.

Now our second little girl is about to be born and well, our house has become our home.....our memories. I watch my husband paint Emily's room and I don't know how I can leave this place. I don't have to worry about that any time soon, but our house seriously has NO storage. I hate that other people in the subdivision could give a flying flip about their houses and the yards are overgrown with weeds.....it's just not the subdivision I planned forever in, but I just don't see how I can leave my home. Our plan has always been to leave in 3-5 years, but we've been here 3 and well...the plan is still 3-5, but secretly I don't want to go....ever. I would have to take the growth marks, the plants, the flooring, the girls' rooms.....and of course that's just not possible.

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