Thursday, February 24, 2011

The bigger picture

Today I was really, really, really depressed. I spent a good portion of the first half of my day crying. I don't know why I was sad. I think it's a lot of things compiling. I'm upset about finances, I'm stressed over school, and and I'm upset that we still have had no luck getting pregnant. I've been pretty sad since Monday; I spent most of that day crying too. I have been trying to get myself out of this funk by getting out and about, but nothing was really working. Well, today I found the thing that worked. Today, I found my way over to another blog that one of my friends has posted a link to on facebook a couple of months ago. The blog in and of itself is not sad, but it does have some sad aspects due to a horrible thing that happened. They lost a child. Yesterday was that child's birthday and he would have been 2. I quickly stopped feeling all sad and sorry for myself for whatever reasons and instead snuggled up to my sleeping baby (who just turned 2 on Sat.) and thanked God that I have today, that I have right now. I watched her sleep and kissed her face and realized that I can sit around letting depression win, or I could realize how very lucky I am and be happy.


  1. That blog positively breaks my heart. My heart aches so much for that mommy. She is such a sweet lady in the midst of this unthikable tragedy. I admire her so much. Reading her blog always makes me sad (and cry) but it also makes me SO, SO thankful for my healthy little boy. It helps put things into perspective for me.
    I'm sorry you have been feeling sad lately. I'm glad you called me today and talked. Sometimes it just helps to do that (or at least it helps me to call you & vent.) LOL And just know that you are a GREAT mommy and we both are very blessed! Love you!

  2. You're the best:) I felt horrible talking your ear off; it's just as long as I was talking to someone the sadness seemed less real.
