Friday, December 30, 2011

Cloth Diapering A Newborn

Diapering my newborn has proved to be quite the challenge. If you want to cloth diaper a newborn I would HIGHLY suggest investing in Rumparooz Lil' Joeys. I showed you those in this post. Jeez....wait just a min....have I really not talked in depth about cloth diapering on here?! Craziness I tell you! Well....let's just jump right in.

I use prefolds for the most part. I show a prefold in that linky up there as well. I LOVE prefolds!!! My fave prefolds are from These prefolds are a bit more pricey BUT they come in a variety of sizes and I like that since it helps provide a nice trim fit. I can't stand a bulky diaper. I generally buy these when they have seconds sales which does not mean used (althought I have NOTHING against buying used dipes). This just means they aren't perfect, but honestly I can never tell what's wrong with them. I got 20 preemie prefolds for Emily (I didn't start cloth diapering with Victoria until she was like 4 months). I thought I may be crazy, but my babies tend to grow kinda slower than average so I took the plunge. I am so glad I did because they fit Emily GREAT!!! The problem you run into however is that you can't hardly find a danged cover to go over them for a new baby (and I just don't feel right putting a cloth diaper on a fresh from the womb baby for some reason). I started Emily in cloth around 2 weeks. My all time fave cover....Thirsties.....were a JOKE on my little girl (who weighed in at atleast 7 lbs. 6 oz. at the time since that is what she weighed 2 days after leaving the hospital). I did some research and ended up getting some used Bummis Super Brite newborn covers which do fit nicely but, IMO, fail in the no leaking category. They leak like CRAZY!!!! I definitely have to remember that I need to change her diaper like every hour in these things unless I want to change her clothes with every diaper change. I'm not a Bummis fan.....I'm pretty much only a Thirsties fan in all honesty and I am happy to report that at 1 month old they are not so rediculously huge on my kiddo. They are still a bit big but I'd say in about 2 weeks that I will be using them and not the Bummis anymore. Here's Emily in a prefold....please shield your eyes from the crazy lady holding her. Dear sweet hubby took it with his phone and it is a HORRIBLE angle mixed with baby thickness. That purple thingy is the snappi:)

I LOVE my prefolds because they are super easy to use, they are cheap, and they wash and dry very quickly. They are easy to sun bleach on a clothesline (which I'm about to buck my HOA guidelines and install come spring). I use a snappi but I used pins first and actually used them the other day when I couldn't find a danged snappi close by. You don't even need either of can just fold the prefold into thirds and put it in the cover. You can't tell me cloth diapering is doesn't get much easier than that (well, unless you use all in ones).

I'm not a pocket diaper fan so much. I do have some one size pocket diapers (Bum Genius seconds), but I HATE stuffing those suckers and they are super bulky. The dry and wash better than all in ones (AIOs) and you can make them more absorbent BUT......still not a fan. Pocket diapers are a waterproof shell that has a pocket that you stuff. They are generally one size which means there are multiple rows of snaps you adjust for the right fit. Let me just add that one-size will most likely NOT fit your newborn despite what they may say.

AIOs are bulky too IMO. I do like some AIOs so that my dear sweet hubby will actually use a cloth diaper. These diapers go on the same way as a just wash it when you take it off instead of throwing it away. They take forever to dry and they are harder to wash since they tend to hold in more detergent and such. They are handy when you are out and about for sure though. Also....the Lil' Joeys are AIOs. I recommend going to Diaper Junction to get these or looking for used ones. They come in a 2-pack for about $30...used you can find them around $10-$13 each. I also have some Bum Genius from Cotton Babies that I like alright. I even have the XS ones for newborns with a cord notch......yeah....not so much. These were way to big on my newborn and are just now starting to fit....kinda.

So to sum it all up....if you want to cloth diaper a newborn I HIGHLY suggest the Lil' Joeys. If I had it to do over again I would get 20-30 of those and call it a day. They have a snap down for the cord stump and it actually stays under it better than disposable diapers!!! They fit up to 15 lbs. so they aren't a wasted investment. If your babies grow like mine you'll get at least 6 months use out of them, but if your babies grow more average then you'll get around 3-4 months out of them which is still not bad. Then you can turn around and resell them for at least $10/dipe!!! Okay....if you don't go that route you definitely should get some preemie prefolds. I think I will get at least another 2 wks.-1 month out of these (so up to 2 months use for $20 on 20 seconds prefolds). They fit super nice and trim and I'm happy to have bought them. I didn't try the rumparooz cover but it may work better than the Bummis because of the gussets around the legs. Not sure. Anyway...if you are stuck with the Bummis covers like I am then just be prepared for a lot of changes, but hey, you have to change newborns a lot anyway. Infant prefolds are A LOT bigger than the preemie so trust me'll want some preemies.

Saddly I do not have any pics of Emily in a Lil' Joey so you'll just have to trust me.....this is your best bet.

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