Sunday, December 18, 2011

Mommy of 2!

Since my computer is down I am doing this blog entry from my iPad which means it will be sans pictures.....and probably have more typos than normal. Anywho.....we welcomed my second beautiful daughter into this world on November 28, 2011 at 12:21 pm. She was 7 pounds 15.4 oz. And 19.5" long. The weight was a complete surprise she she kept measuring small. She probably would have been 8 lbs. but she came into this pooping.....a lot.....and she still does! She had a poopy diaper when they took it off to give her a bath, pooped right after the bath, and another time later that day. She still poops if she sneezes, cries, etc. Cracks me up! Anyway....I love her to pieces:) she is almost 3 weeks old now and I was just telling hubs today she doesn't look fresh from the womb in her face anymore. Made me sad:/

Being a mom of 2 is definitely different. Victoria tries to nurse her or just help me nurse by holding my boob. I have to go pee with Emily on the boob and Victoria in there beside me doing something. It takes an hour to get out the door. Life is pretty perfect in other words! I have everything I ever dreamed of and this time next year I will be done with my bachelors degree and hopefully will be teaching soon. This semester I finished 24 credit hours.....and my brain is about to explode! My life is moving quickly lately but in the complete right direction!

Sorry I have been MIA's been hard on me....I just can't really do a lot without a computer. Hopefully soon things will return to normal and I will be able to update more because I have been DYING to share things lately and no outlet.

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