Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello Third Trimester!!!!

Wow! I have seriously been slacking with the blog. My camera has been MIA for awhile now and as soon as I figure out how to get the pictures off my old phone I will have another blog about our Splash Country adventures last weekend. Anywho.....


I really consider 27 weeks to be third as do a lot of websites and my doctor, but as I have mentioned in previous posts.....there's a lot of variance with this. The nitty gritty of it is.....there are only 83 DAYS until my due date. Holy cow.....for realz we are in the countdown of days! I can't seem to get the hubs on board with the urgency I feel.......I think he is working on the "slow and steady wins the race" train of thought. Today he FINALLY finished tracing the pattern on the wall of the nursery and will start painting it. I hoping that this will not take as long as the actual tracing because we still have to paint the beadboard and get it up, put up the trim, sand paint and redo the inside of the armoire, sand and paint the changing table, put together the crib, and then I can work on all the other finishing touches. WHEW! It's a lot! Poor guy has about a billion things on his plate right now. I have anxiety issues (as I have discussed in other treads) and I would probably be having a meltdown every day if I were him. He rocks though:)

As for me....third trimester has brought back the nausea (not that it ever left completely), extreme tiredness, moodiness (I cry ALL.THE.TIME), and tons of aches and pains. I now up to 165 (so 20 lbs. as of yesterday.....thanks family reunion) and here's the belly.

This go around I am definitely getting bigger all over the middle and butt. I'm actually starting to wonder if the baby is actually hiding in the cellulite on my ass...but hey.....whatever.....I'm about to have a baby! I get to see little Miss Emily tomorrow (via ultrasound) and so there will be another blog tomorrow about some hopefully good news I have been waiting for....fingers crossed. She has definitely moved in there and she is running out of room. I usually don't feel the big movements anymore and instead just little adjustments. Still....she does get mad at the iPad sitting on my belly sometimes and hits right off! I LOVE it!

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