Wednesday, August 17, 2011

25 wks.

Man, I feel like I haven't blogged in FOR-EV-ER!!! Well, I had some things I wanted to blog about and then after they happened and I was ready to my danged computer went CRAZY!! Well, we thought the computer went crazy, but apparently the adapter did. Great! Another adapter. This will make number 3 in like 5 months. Ugh! It's better than having to replace the computer though AND this way I don't have wasted homework stuck on my computer.

Anywho! I'm 25 weeks:) Tomorrow I will be 100 days away from my due date!!!! Holy cow it's getting close! I used to say that sometimes I waddle.....then I saw my shadow......I waddle. The hips hurt. I'm feeling a lot of pressure and some Braxton Hicks. I went for a jog a couple of nights ago and holy Braxton Hicks! I haven't jogged in a little bit so I wasn't pushing myself, but walking causes me to have them anyway so I guess it's common sense they'd be there for jogging. Oh, and I swear my belly is HUGE after working out. This weeks picture is after working out so I do think it's a bit bigger than normal BUT I have grown a lot lately! I was doing so awesome with my weight too......and then I gained 3 lbs. this week. AWESOME! I did the same thing with Victoria though so I guess that is just how my body works. I have gained the same amount so far as I did with her but it has been spread out a little better. I started this week at a 15 lb. gain (159) but now I'm up to 18 (162) as of this morning. It better stop creeping up every morning though or I might be in some trouble. I'm chill with the whole 25-35 and with Victoria I gained 33. If I gain that again then that's fine. The baby's gotta grow right? And then of course she needs though fat stores to eat off (that sounds gross, but that's just how it is).

Here's the belly:)Sorry for the craptastic photo; we couldn't find the camera so this was taken with the video camera.

Here's the side-by-side:) I've been waiting to do this one!!! I felt like 25 wks. I just POPPED with Miss V. This is definitely a different shape going on. I'm not sure if I think it's bigger or just more spread out......just don't know what to think about the shape this go around.

I'm not even going to resize that. I know it hugemongous but whatev. I'm totally not standing the same, but can't do much about that now. I think this one is DEFINITELY lower..........any thoughts? I mean I KNOW there are people other than me reading this. I have that dandy map at the bottom that tells me so;)

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that you are carrying "longer" or something with this one and now I def. think that after seeing how much you were poking out with V! I need to compare pics fron last pregnancy to this one, it's fun to see how differently you carry!
