Monday, March 28, 2011

hCG and Progesterone

OMG!!!! I am over the moon excited!!! So, I had my levels tested on Thurs. and to be honest when they called me back with the results I was a little nervous. I wouldn't have been nervous if they would have just told me the numbers because I'm type A personality and had already looked up normal ranges. So, it wasn't the numbers that made me nervous, but the way they said them. The nurse told me that my progesterone was on the low side of normal at 18.5 (which begins at 18) and that I would need to take progesterone for the first trimester until the placenta fully takes over. mmmm..nerves... Then she told me my hCG levels were at 3 wk. levels when they should have been at 4 week levels at 383 (I personally just think she was mistaken with this as everything I can find says  they were well within normal).

Well, get this!!!!! Your hCG levels normally double within 2-3 days so I was just praying that my level would be 1500-1600 when I tested again 4 days later. Well, as it turns out my levels are doubling ever 1.5 days and my level was 2473:) YAY!!!!! My progesterone level was up to 22, but I do still have to keep taking those meds, which is perfectly fine with me; anything I can do that will help is a good thing in my mind.

Now I am looking forward to my first u/s appt. which is in just over a week. I will be 6 wks. 6 days so we should definitely be able to see something even if it does resemble a tadpole. LOL!! Then, my first OB appt. is 2 wks. after that, and I will be 8 wks. 6 days.

I am not so secretly hoping for twins so I am hoping that is what such quick doubling hCG levels mean:) Don't tell the hubs I said that though. LOL! A lot of people seem to feel I need a boy now that I have a girl, which I keep telling everyone that is fine as long as he comes with another girl:)

1 comment:

  1. I so glad to hear that you got good news on the blood test results! You're cracking me up for wanting twins! LOL Have you checked out the chinese calendar yet?
