Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Birthday Weekend

My parents decided to take my sister and me on a little ski trip for our birthdays to Sugar Mountain, NC. My sis's b-day was Feb. 26 and mine is March 17 and I will be 25!!!!! (for the 3rd time....gulp) We had actually planned of learning to snowboard, but decided just to tube and stuff before going. Well, let me just tell you that ALL DAY Saturday it was horrible outside!!!! It rained and sleeted all day long. That was perfectly okay though because it was a wonderful weekend anyway:) The best part of the trip for me was watching my little niece and my little V playing like crazy. They are best friends!! It is the most precious thing to see. Next fave thing was probably playing Uno and Phase 10 with the fam. The trip just went to prove that family time is the best time! We went to a ski lodge and the girls played out in the snow a little bit and it was total cuteness:) The cabin was gorgeous and on Sun. the rain decided it would turn to snow (blizzard) and it covered everything before we left. It was stunning and the only thing I could have wished different about the trip would have been for it to have snowed instead of rained on Sat.

We were greeted with the BEAUTIFUL view when we stepped in the cabin.

Happy Birthday to us! (this is the table we played cards around)

The kiddos LOVED the bath:)

They watched Elmo together.

At the Ski Resort playing in the snow!

Resting after playing outside at the Ski Resort. 

The snow before we left. 

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