Wednesday, May 8, 2013

4 Going on 14

About a month ago Victoria told me she was 14! Then she died in a hysterical giggle fit and ever since she has been saying she is 14 pretty regularly. It definitely does seem like she is 4 going on 14.

1) She has decided that she thinks Justin Bieber is soooooo cute!!! She seriously knows who he is. I showed her a picture of him one day and she got all giggly and said "That's Justin Bieber!!!!!" Kevin tried to tell her she didn't even know who he was and quizzed her as to where he lives...her response "California (with the duh you're so stupid voice and the eye roll)." I don't think she knew what he was known for though because I let her listen to a song and asked her if she liked his voice and she laughed and said "Like a girl voice!!!!" We had no idea this started so young :-/

2) She now reads her sight words with a side ways glance. Seriously?! Yes, honey you are so cool that you don't even have to look at the index card to read the just pops into your head.

3) She always has her hands on her hips while making sassy faces. Seriously....the faces she makes are teenage "Oh my gosh I'm like totally cool" faces. What in the world?!?!

4) Every other word out of her mouth is "Awesome" or "Cool."

5) Only she can pick out her clothes....her night clothes...her socks.....her shoes......EVERYTHING! She will not wear it if she does not pick it least not without a total melt down.

Edited to add in #6.....I knew I was forgetting something!!!

6) Yesterday she heard Rihanna's song Diamonds.....she exclaimed "This is my favorite song!" I had no response....

What have we gotten ourselves into. I am scared. At least the clothes she likes to wear are super conservative:-)

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome... lol I love your girls.
